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Dental Veneers in San Diego, CA

Every individual yearns for a picture-perfect smile, but not everyone is naturally blessed with one. However, in the modern world of dentistry, there’s no need to be disheartened. Wondering why? Enter the realm of dental veneers—a transformative procedure brought closer to you by Coleman Advanced Dentistry!


What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are wafer-thin shells, usually crafted from porcelain or resin, tailored to fit the front surface of your teeth. Imagine them as protective, aesthetic cloaks that mask imperfections and present a pristine facade.


Why Opt for Dental Veneers?

  1. Conceal Imperfections: Got a chipped or broken tooth? Veneers can come to your rescue.
  2. Enhance Color: Bid goodbye to stubborn stains and discolorations.
  3. Alignment & Spacing: Address minor misalignments without braces.
  4. Resilience: Porcelain veneers resist stains better than teeth, maintaining their gleam longer.

Now, isn’t that similar to giving your teeth a glamorous makeover?


Dental Veneers with Coleman Advanced Dentistry

The seasoned team of Dr. John Coleman III, DDS, FAGD and Dr. Michael Rice, DDS at Coleman Advanced Dentistry ensures that your veneer journey is seamless. While the clinic isn’t situated directly in San Diego, CA, their unparalleled expertise makes the short drive utterly worth it!


Why Choose Coleman Advanced Dentistry?


The Procedure: What to Expect?

Undergoing a dental procedure can be daunting, but knowledge is power. Here’s a snapshot of what awaits you:

  1. Consultation: A comprehensive discussion with the dentist to understand your needs.
  2. Tooth Preparation: A minuscule layer of enamel is removed to make space for the veneer.
  3. Impression Making: An imprint of your tooth is taken to design your custom veneer.
  4. Bonding: Once ready, the veneer is cemented to your tooth, voilà!

Remember, the key to the best results lies in transparent communication with your dentist.


Life After Veneers

Embracing veneers doesn’t mean bidding goodbye to dental care. To ensure longevity:


FAQ’s about Dental Veneers

How long do dental veneers last?

Typically, with good care, veneers can last between 7 to 15 years, after which they might need replacement.

Are veneers painful?

No, the procedure is generally painless, but you might experience slight discomfort or sensitivity afterward.

Can veneers be whitened?

Veneers don’t stain easily and cannot be whitened. However, regular cleaning can keep them gleaming.

How many appointments are needed for the procedure?

Generally, three appointments: consultation, preparation, and bonding.

Is the veneer procedure reversible?

No, since a portion of the original tooth enamel is removed, the process isn’t reversible.

How much do veneers cost in San Diego, CA?

The cost varies based on the complexity, material, and dentist’s expertise. It’s best to discuss this during your consultation at Coleman Advanced Dentistry.


Schedule your Dental Veneer Appointment in San Diego, CA Today!

Ready to unlock the door to a radiant smile? The skilled hands of Dr. Coleman and Dr. Rice await you. Reach out to Coleman Advanced Dentistry at 760-726-0770 and embark on your transformation journey.