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Dentures in San Diego, CA

Transform your life and smile with confidence again with high-quality dentures offered by Coleman Advanced Dentistry, serving San Diego, CA. Led by Dr. John Coleman III, DDS, FAGD, and Dr. Michael Rice, DDS, our clinic provides top-of-the-line dental solutions, including various types of dentures, to meet the unique needs of our patients.


Why Choose Dentures?

Missing teeth can significantly affect your quality of life, making eating and speaking difficult. Dentures offer a convenient and affordable way to restore your smile. Unlike dental implants, dentures can be removed for easy cleaning and adjusted or replaced as needed.


Types of Dentures We Offer in San Diego, CA

At Coleman Advanced Dentistry, we offer a range of denture options, including:

Each of these types comes with its set of benefits and challenges. We will help you decide the best fit for your lifestyle and needs.


Customization for Comfort and Functionality

Comfort and functionality are our top priorities. Our skilled dentists, Dr. John Coleman III and Dr. Michael Rice ensure that your dentures fit perfectly, are visually appealing, and function flawlessly. We take precise measurements of your gums and remaining teeth to create a personalized set of dentures.


Durability and Care

Our dentures are crafted using the highest quality materials, ensuring their durability and longevity. Your dentures can last for many years with proper care, including regular cleanings and adjustments.


Affordable Financing Options

Dental treatments can be costly, but you shouldn’t have to compromise on quality care. We offer various financing options and work with several insurance providers to make your treatment as affordable as possible.


Local Convenience for San Diego Residents

While Coleman Advanced Dentistry is not located in San Diego, CA, we proudly offer our services to residents of this beautiful city. We understand the demands of busy city life and provide flexible scheduling options to accommodate you.


FAQ About Dentures

How long does it take to get used to new dentures?

It may take a few weeks to adjust to new dentures. During this period, minor irritation and increased saliva flow are normal.

Can I eat normally with dentures?

Yes, but getting used to eating with new dentures may take a little time. Start with soft foods and gradually include more solid foods in your diet.

How often should I clean my dentures?

You should clean your dentures daily using a soft toothbrush and denture cleaner.

Do you offer emergency adjustments?

Yes, we do. If you’re experiencing discomfort, call us immediately at 760-726-0770.


Schedule Your Denture Appointment in San Diego, CA, Today!

Ready to take the first step toward restoring your smile and self-confidence? Schedule your denture consultation today by calling Coleman Advanced Dentistry at 760-726-0770. Dr. John Coleman III, DDS, FAGD, and Dr. Michael Rice, DDS, are here to guide you through every step of your dental journey.